Hallo everybody,

Watch me this week. I am blogging about "Daily Kos", a very famous political blog in the US.
Please, comment on my posts whenever you like to.

And now: Enjoy reading!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


In my last post I presented Daily Kos' authors and stated that they are the main reason for me to say that the blog is "authentic, reliable and well-balanced". But today I read something that questions my previous assumption. In 2003 the Howard Dean campaign (klick here to hear the legendary "Dean Scream") retained Daily Kos' founder Markos Moulitsas ZĂșniga as a technical advisor. Zephyr Teachout who directed internet organizing for Howard Dean's 2004 presidential campaign told The Wall Street Journal more about her motivations behind this appointment:
"On Dean’s campaign, we paid Markos [...] as consultant, largely in order to ensure that he said positive things about Dean. We paid him over twice as much as we paid one staffer of similar background [...]. While he ended up also providing useful advice, the initial reason for our outreach was explicitly to buy his airtime. To be very clear, he never committed to supporting Dean for the payment — but it was very clearly, internally, our goal."
Incredible. I never expected this to happen. Although one could admit that bloggers aren't journalists and therefore shouldn't be seen as "objective" observers, I think that stinks. I know that Daily Kos is biased and that most authors favor Obama but on the whole I always had the feeling that there would be at least some distance between the politicians and the bloggers. I feel betrayed somehow. I will definitely judge the next Daily Kos posts from a different point of view...


  1. Dear Anna,
    I like how critical you are about Daily Kos. This shows that you are really getting into this projects! Great!

  2. Hey Anna!
    This is really incredible. Especially Daily Kos which is suupposwed to be serious and neutral , is in fact crooked. Money is ruling the world I suppose! Good to get to know these things!
    I`m interested in your next disclosures!^^

  3. Quoting you: "Although one could admit that bloggers aren't journalists and therefore shouldn't be seen as "objective" observers, I think that stinks"

    Two Questions come to my mind:

    1. What makes a journalist? how is it defined?

    2. Do you really think they are objective?


  4. Hey Anna!
    So cool how you let us follow the development of your opinion on Daily Kos! Your blog is a goog mixture of light entertainment, opinion and information. Keep up the good work!

  5. Hi Anna, I like the way you write your blog - informative and personal at once. Go on, I really enjoy looking at it.
