Hallo everybody,

Watch me this week. I am blogging about "Daily Kos", a very famous political blog in the US.
Please, comment on my posts whenever you like to.

And now: Enjoy reading!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Money, money, money

Today I found something that seems to be very ridiculous to me. Or are you thinking about buying a T-shirt on which the name of your favorite blog is printed? Does that make any sense? Are there really people who buy these ordinary light brown shirts? I'm sorry, but there must be at least some idiots who buy this stuff. And other shopping addicts will be satisfied, too. Daily Kos Store offers a lot. Take a look at the picture above. What do you see? An ordinary polo-type shirt? No, take a closer look. Have you got it? Yes, something is different. D A I L Y K O S is written on it! Incredible! But pay attention on what Daily Kos states:
"VERY LIMITED QUANTITY! We had a lot of requests for "work-wear" shirts, and this should work for your 'casual fridays'."
So, what are you waiting for? Klick on the "buy" button and enjoy your 'casual friday'! But at first: $24,50, please...

1 comment:

  1. well, I also think that it is kind of odd but I also think this shows how important blogs become and how many people are ready them. And, yes, you are right. Probably there are some people buying this "stuff". I think I wouldn`t... :)
